Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Come In Peace... with a Party Banner :)

Hello Blog World! As a busy mama of 2 very rambunctious boys I have never really thought of myself as the type to do a blog, but since I love to share (like the good girl that I am) I want to share some of my ideas and inspiration with you. Hopefully some of my ideas will help you in your everyday endeavors...and just so you know, I learn as I go...

I am sure that many of you would agree that party planning is apart of parenthood. My biggest problem is that I always seem to come up with a theme that has little or no decoration options available in the store. SO, to fix this problem I discovered how to make the easiest and most versatile party banner! In this tutorial I am making a banner for a friend, so no one jump to conclusions!

Materials needed:

Trace and cut out shapes:

Glue the desired letter onto the circle
Then glue the circle onto the triangle:

Punch a hole onto the top corners of the triangle:

String the ribbon through the holes:

Drum roll, please.....
The banner is complete!

Halloween Window Banner:

Littler Critters @ the Homespun Chic Marketplace:

Make sure you come back for some more ideas from this Professional Mama! <3
God Bless!


  1. I did like the banner and knowing that u made it; its even cooler.

  2. So cute Zette! Love these banners! Is there anything you can't do??
